2018 Bread Loaf Readings!
If you want to hear the 2018 Bread Loaf Writers Conference staff reading (or any other public reading that happened there), you can now...
Demystifying the Submission Process: A Crash Course on Literary Journal Submitting & Publishing
I loved teaching this course at Open Books back in February, and I'm excited to offer it again this October! Over the course of four...
Interviewed by Marlene Jäger for Planes, Trains, and Books (Readable in English & German!)
A while back, Marlene Jäger came through Seattle on her "literary tour of North America." I enjoyed meeting her and answering her...
3 Things I Learned from Publishing a Poem in the New Yorker
1) They really do accept poems from the slush pile (even when you’re not famous). My acceptance came ~6 months after I submitted. 2) They...
Close reading of poetry comics / visual poems published in Poetry Northwest!
I'm dipping my toes into the world of critical writing on poetry comics and visual poems! Check it out for close readings of new work by...
I'm judging the Gigantic Sequins poetry comic contest!
Deadline: March 10 / Entry fee: $5 / Prize: $100 and an original Matthew Mahaney cross-stitch inspired by your work / Full guidelines...
Teaching a Crash Course on Literary Journal Submitting & Publishing at Open Books!
Hi, everyone (particularly those of you who live in Seattle): This February, I'm leading a four-part course at Open Books: A Poem...
Limited Edition Screen-Prints for Sale!
*Edit: Only 8 left in stock These limited edition screen-prints (8 x 11") feature, on one side, Kelly Bjork's amazing painting "Butt...
Poetry Comics Panel at OPA!
This weekend I hopped a BoltBus to Portland to present at the Oregon Poetry Association conference alongside three incredible PNW-based...
Open Books Anniversary Weekend!
Today marks the one-year anniversary of Billie Swift taking the reigns at Open Books, and we've been celebrating all week with readings,...