Demystifying the Submission Process: A Crash Course on Literary Journal Submitting & Publishing
I loved teaching this course at Open Books back in February, and I'm excited to offer it again this October!
Over the course of four weeks, we'll walk through the typical submission process from start to finish, gaining familiarity with the Submittable interface, Duotrope, and reading periods. We’ll discuss best practices, common errors, and strategies for staying organized, as well as which journals and presses might be a good fit for particular aesthetics. The course culminates in a submission party, where—side by side—we’ll put what we’ve learned to good use. There is also an option which includes a one-on-one consultation.
Click here for more info.
Class schedule:
— Tuesday, October 2nd, 6:30–8:30 pm
— Tuesday, October 9th, 6:30–8:30 pm
— Tuesday, October 23rd, 6:30–8:30 pm
— Tuesday, October 30, 6:30–8:30 pm (Submission Party!)
The class is capped at 15, and last time it filled up pretty fast, so I recommend registering ASAP! You can do so at this handy link here.